
Genesis 1-15

The Fascinating World of the Old Testament - Genesis 1-15

January 21th, 2024

Clint Letterman


Welcome back to the Auberry Community Church website!

Join along in this fascinating journey through Genesis chapters 1-15 in the Old Testament. We'll explore questions like "Who created us?" and "Why is there evil in the world?" as we dive into stories about Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Noah and the flood, the Tower of Babel, and more.

You'll gain insight into God's nature and attributes - like his grace, justice and love - as demonstrated in his interactions with humanity. We'll also examine potential motives and schemes of Satan seeking to deceive people and gain influence.

Ultimately, studying the Old Testament helps us better understand Jesus and the New Testament. Though an ancient collection of texts, it still speaks truths to us today about human nature, the spiritual realm, and God's redeeming work across history. You're invited on an intellectual, spiritual and transformational adventure that could deepen your faith walk!


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