
Genesis 19

Lot and the Judgment of Sodom & Gomorrah - Genesis 19

March 3rd, 2024

Clint Letterman


Get an in-depth look at the shocking and tragic story of Sodom and Gomorrah's destruction from Genesis 19. In this eye-opening sermon, [Pastor's Name] dives into the depravity and wickedness that led God to rain down fire and brimstone.

While an uncomfortable read, this biblical account holds vital lessons about the seriousness of sin, the mercy of God, and the need to flee from compromise. You'll gain insights into Abraham's intercession, Lot's failures, and the sobering reality that all have fallen short of God's glory.

As the body of Christ, we're called to live as ambassadors for Christ - holy and set apart. Let this study strengthen your resolve to pursue righteousness and be a light in the darkness. A powerful reminder that while God's judgment is real, His forgiveness in Christ extends even to the uttermost.


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